About Me

I am half Costa Rican. Born in 1988. Oldest of 5 kids.

I think I might have been a "momma's boy" growing up, but I'm glad I was. My mom planted a spiritual seed in me, took the time to love and care for me by watering that seed, and I know she is happy to see the fruits of the huge tree I hope I am becoming. Thanks mom!

My dad is the best artist I know. I have learned from him my whole life and hope to be as good as him one day. Computer art has always been a passion of mine so now I am pursuing 3D animation as a career.

When I am not in front of my computer working on 3D animations, I am with friends playing soccer or volleyball, killing zombies.

On the subject of video games, I grew up very addicted to them. Since having developed an interest in 3D animation, my passion for games has turned into something much more productive, thank God! You'll rarely find me playing a video game anymore. Instead I am working hard at creating entertainment of my own and building upon what I know.
Me and my BFF Trevor. We duel periodically.